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GRC Signature Partners

We believe in collaboration and working with other experts, businesses, institutions, and policy makers to continue helping entrepreneurs in the cannabis industry thrive. We welcome you to join us as we are always seeking new talented professionals and companies who share the same values, goals, and mission. 


Our GRC Signature Partner Program is designed to integrate industry experts on various projects throughout the U.S. and the World Cannabis Markets. We would be thrilled to hear from you and see what synergistic opportunities we can create together as the Cannabis Industry evolves. 

Join our grc signature partners program today!

Please fill out the FORM and connect with us! Green Rush Consulting has been  leading the cannabis industry since 2011.


We help guide entrepreneurs entering the cannabis industry, as well as cannabis companies looking to grow and expand their existing business and brand.

Contact Us To Be A Part of The Cannabis Revolution
Please check off professional experiences and skillsets.

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